Our Services
One of AEF’s primary functions is to provide professional development and technical assistance to organizations that either wish to implement, or are currently using 2A. By taking advantage of AEF’s services, practitioners and administrators can refine and strengthen their early childhood development and education knowledge, skills, and practices, thus enhancing overall program quality and leading to better outcomes for children.
AEF offers a variety of education, training, and support services, including:

We provide consultation to potential 2A users to help them make an informed decision about the suitability of 2A in their specific context as well as leadership consultation to organizations that have made the decision to adopt 2A. We also offer consultation to organizations or individuals who want to conduct research on 2A.
AEF offers several levels of and options for training on 2A. We conduct training for practitioners (18 hours), coaches (practitioner training +12 hours & co-coaching), and trainers (practitioner training +12 hours & co-training). Training can be done in-person at your site or through a combination of online and in-person. Refresher trainings are also available and are recommended every two years.

To enhance implementation fidelity and increase sustainability, we strongly recommend including a coaching component in addition to training. Coaching can be done in-person at your site, online, or a through a combination of these.
Through an annual subscription model, programs that have had 2A training can access a special Abecedarian Approach website. Structured as an engaging and interactive online textbook, this site serves as a reference and support tool for those using 2A.

Speakers & Presentations
We can present to organizations or other groups at conferences, meetings, or other events. Topics include Abecedarian research and findings, the Abecedarian Approach (what it is, how to use it), and enhancing programs through high quality adult-child interaction.
Other Support
AEF also provides a variety of other services including support calls (or video chats) focused on 2A planning, implementation, record keeping, research, etc. We can tailor our support to meet your organization’s needs.

Contact us for more information on AEF’s services or to work with us.